Just woken up to find more rain. It rained all yesterday too. According to the BBC, it'll be 15 degrees max, 11 degrees min today. That's about 59 fahrenheit for those of you over the pond.
Here's the view from the window.
I'm realising I have a whole bunch of clothes I'm never going to wear up here. On the plus side, I'll save a fortune in fake tan, and I can relax about bearing my extra winter flesh, it's never going to be too hot for jeans. Not to mention my wonderful skin, no danger of sun-baked wrinkles plus I've kicked the lingering fag habit. I guess that means I'll remain forever youthful, chilled in the refrigerator that is Great Britain.
Donna and Paul were camping in Dorset this weekend at a friend's wedding. When they got back to their tent it had been ripped to shreds by the storm. (They were camped on top of a cliff, so all their stuff got blown into the sea - literally scattered to the four winds . . .) Ahhhh . . . summertime, indeed. :-0
Oh my, that's brilliant. It's like something from that Jeremy Beadle show, you know the one when they send in the family disaster videos, can't remember what is was called. I used to think it was hilarious, what joy I took from others' misfortune!
You've Been Framed. It's still on - now hilariously presented by Harry Hill. Our favourite Sunday viewing!
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