Monday, August 11, 2008

A reminder

I'm just about to upload some pictures from the weekend and I came across this in my files. I took this image in the week before I left BT as a reminder never to go back. It was what I could see directly in front of me. Oh, the irony. In case you can't read it, the full text is as follows:


He has it.

Do you?
Heart: We believe in what we do.

Live the values. Create the customer experience. Make our vision reality.

Worship at the corporate temple.

Actually I made that last sentence up. It wouldn't be out of place in all of that though. There's a comedy show at the Fringe called 'Who Writes This Crap?" I feel this could well be a must attend for me as a creator of such nonsense.

On another interesting BT note, Michelle rang me today to tell me they were getting sued as I hadn't paid a bill to Haymarket. We're due in court on Tuesday. How hilarious. And how truly incredible that nobody has paid it in all that time.

Here's another one. My daily view. Really, it's truly incredible that anyone can be inspired and creative and enthusiastic in this environment. To me, this goes against all common sense.

1 comment:

Tamsin said...

Ha ha! Brilliant. Did you go to the show? I would have enjoyed it too, I'm sure.