Thursday, June 26, 2008

The disposable generation

Sam's post this morning on our wastefulness reminded me of a passage I read in Po Bronson's book, 'What Should I do with My Life'. Po is brilliant. Hugely thoughtful and reflective, he writes non-fiction social commentaries based on interviews and observations of the people he meets. Try 'Why Do I Love These People'as well. Here's his site. As an aside, he's from San Francisco. I'm developing a bit of a love affair with San Francisco and I've not even been there; I get the sense it's just full of smart creative people who aren't quite living the American dream as it's been sold. A little subversive, which would make sense for the city where hippies were born.

Anyway, the passage is as follows. This is my life in a nutshell. I am most definitely of the disposable generation and I am utterly bored of it and determined to change.

"In our generation's belief system, the world is a battle between the Boring and the Stimulating. We channel-surf through jobs and relationships, pushing the button at the first hint of slowing down. We've rejected the compromises of our parent's generation, who sought safety and security. Anyone who comes along and murmurs "stimulation is not everything" is quickly tuned out, because we don't want to hear it anymore."

Isn't that image of channel-surfing just completely spot-on?

In fact I think Po is my ideal man, and he's better looking than Alain de Botton too. Shame he's married. And living in San Francisco.

Compare and contrast? My dream date would be with these two, oh my goodness, the conversations. Alison J went to dinner with Alain and didn't even know who he was!! What sacrilege.

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